Ann Butler, founder of Edible Education

Ann Butler

A former high school Culinary Arts teacher, Ann was frustrated that her students were consuming Red Bull and Doritos for breakfast, but found studies that show, teaching younger kids how to prepare healthy foods would stick for a life time of well being – so she started Edible Education.

Ann is one of Michelle Obama’s Chefs Move to Schools partners, and was 1 of 20 invited to the first Chefs Move national training seminar. She is Jamie Oliver’s appointed Richmond Ambassador for the Food Revolution Day events having their joint video receive 1.3 million twitter hits; she was a National Business Women’s Owners “Rising Star Entrepreneurs” of 2014 in Richmond and a recognized USDA Community Partner.

Four years and 17,000 students later, Ann and the 11 chefs of Edible Education want you to experience the ease and fun of food preparation so people can enjoy the success of preparing simple foods and getting excited about real food.